The problem with teaching a man to fish
You know you’ve solved a problem when you’re no longer needed. This is as truistic a statement as it is common sense. And yet, how many international charities follow this principle?
10 truths of helping people in the Global South
How do you wade through a sea of good causes to find one worth supporting? Through volunteering and working in countries like Vietnam, China, India and Cambodia for the better part of a decade, these are 10 truths I’ve learnt about helping people in the Global South.
How do we know when to stop helping Cambodia?
When you turn on the TV in countries like Australia, the US or across Europe, you see images of suffering. Our first instincts are to help.The next instinct should be to ask: how do we know when to stop?
The key to productivity? Stop working
In the non-profit world, there's always pressure to keep on producing, and justifying more money to produce more. And yet, what we've found at OIC is that stopping work for one day can produce incredibly useful results.